Panic Attacks

In a sense, anxiety is a normal part of life. Everyone experiences anxiety in one form or another, but to varying degrees. Anxiety can involve worry, stress, fear, insomnia, and physical tension. For some people anxiety is specific and circumstantial.  For example, anxiety may arise in social settings, during medical procedures, or while speaking public in public. For others anxiety is generalized.  They worry and stress about everything, with or without a reason.  There is a range of treatments for anxiety. Some use medications, the most effective of which can be habit-forming and hard to get off of. Other treatments include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helps people challenge the beliefs that are the root causes of the anxiety. 

Stephen integrates cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness, relaxation, yoga, and breathing techniques.  In his experience, this tends to be a highly effective approach to reduce symptoms in both the immediate and long term. And there's a body of scientific evidence backing up these approaches. Once you learn how to calm your own nervous system, mind, and body; you feel not only relief from a reduced symptoms, but empowered that you were the one that did it!  This process helps, then, makes it that much easier to address the underlying causes so that symptoms are less likely to reemerge. Clients entering Stephen’s office in an anxious state, consistently leave more relaxed that they were before.

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